Thursday, November 22, 2012

In Memory of My Aunt

In memory of my Aunt Joanie, who passed away on this day four years ago following a hard fought battle with breast cancer. To the end, she still talked about dancing....


Poetry in motion is the woman we celebrate.

A life choreographed by Christ we now commemorate.


The curtain parts and the recital begins,

A sunbeam with a smile takes center stage and spins.

She twirls and jumps, flutters and darts,

Pure energy, sincerity, nothing hidden, all heart.


Here a plie¢, now an arabesque,

Freedom, joy, and love her only quest.

Modern dance becomes Spirit-filled ministry

As she pulls others onstage to join her moving legacy.

From classics to jazz she’s a fluid song,

Even when the music changes her performance goes on.


And now we’ve come to the grand finale.

The audience – her loving friends, her cheering family –

Stands and roars with thunderous applause

At Joan Kruythoff’s final curtain call.

Bouquets in hand, “Bravo” the chants.

But wait – there is still one more dance:

A performance she’s waited a lifetime to give,

A routine she’s perfected every day she’s lived.


We hold our breath and watch in awe

As she gets in position, waiting for the Director’s call.

Eyes steady, feet ready; she’s starting the encore.

And there it is – her leap from our stage to heaven’s floor.

Oh the beauty, the perfection, the riveting grace

As she joins the eternal dance troupe of celestial praise.


Her father is there to greet her and catch her with his hands

And escort her to her Lord who’s been waiting for this dance.

Though our eyes are filled with tears this sweet memory we can keep

That we were blessed and privileged to witness

A beautiful lifelong dancer make a once-in-a-lifetime leap. 

(c) by Leslie J. Sherrod
November 2008
All rights reserved